May 27, 2004

And away we go!

Yeah, I know, I'm following the trend -- but there's too many thoughts to keep quiet! I'm also looking for a job, and this is probably a good way to get the word out (so, if you know any IT folks hiring in Indy, give them my email address!!). Actually, it's a piss-poor way to do that, but at least I can talk about sports this way.

I also want to keep up with everyone that I've lost conatact with, high school and college alike. I'll try to keep this as inside joke-free as possible (though, admittedly, that's an inside joke in itself), and want everyone's opinion on things, be it sports or just other random questions. I might even subject you to poetry!! At the very least, post a comment or shoot me an email and tell me what you're up to!

So, bookmark the page or check in every now and then -- provide some feedback, questions comments, death threats, what-have-you.

Come back soon, and check out Case Closed on adult swim.


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